1. Paragraph: explain in your own words what the relationship is between religion and ethics.
The relationship between religion and ethics is a complex relationship that really challenges people to argue moral situations from their particular interpretation. Since no two religions believe in the same teachings and do not take the same stance on moral issues, ethical solutions are necessary to giving some kind of reason to why people feel the way they do. Most would like to say that they believe they are right because they have faith and God says that they should feel that way. In reality it is important to make your argument reasonable to persuade someone that may not have the same beliefs that you do. Simply just saying that is what God wants you to believe will not work. People can interpret the same religious teachings in a different way, but the way that you convince someone that your perspective is correct is to use religious ethics.
2. Paragraph & Link: Find one online resources related to this topic—not Wikipedia. Explain in a brief paragraph what you learned about this topic through the resource you found; include the link at the end of your paragraph.
The article I found discussed the idea of keeping patients alive at a hospital by means of a feeding tube. One thing I learned from the article is how ethical issues when seen in a religious view point, the solutions people come up with can be much different. Some would say that the feeding tube is "treating others as you would like to be treated". Others could say that if you are going to complete your life the way God intended, then you shouldn't use a feeding tube to keep someone from dying. The way that issues like this should be resolved would be to use reasons such as pain and suffering to discus these ethical question, rather than referring to passages in the bible that people could debate on their true meaning.
3. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument does not break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not ethics and religious beliefs are complementary.
Conclusion: Ethics and religious beliefs are complementary.
1) People use religious beliefs to decide on ethical questions.
2) What would Jesus do?
3) People often look to a higher power to decide what is wrong and right.
The Role of the Majority View
The majority view is basically a statistical way of looking for solutions from the public. The majority would have to be at least 51% of the general public to be a perfect source of finding out how people really feel about a issue. The fact of the matter is that it is impossible to get an opinion from 51% of the country, so typically their will be a small group that is questioned to find how people feel about issues. Their are many flaws when dealing with the majority view. Their isn't any real reasoning for how someone feels the way they do, everyone is just a number on one side or the other. In a perfect world the majority view would get every one's opinion, and decide all matters with everyone getting a equal say in the matter.
Source : Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, Seventh Edition. pg. 22-24.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not the Majority View is a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Majority View is not a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
1) Not everyone has the same amount of knowledge to answer one way or the other.
2)Majority View is based on numbers and not reasoning.
3) It is impossible to ask 100% of people to answer all issues.
The Role of Feelings
1. Paragraph: Explain in your own words what feelings are. Cite your sources.
Feelings are a person's mindset of what is right and a reaction to those situations. People do things because they feel that what they are doing is morally right. Feelings differ from person to person, and that is why feelings cannot be how we morally judge situations. People develop feelings over time that effect the way they see ethical situations, and feelings make it hard to tell people that what they are doing is wrong.
2. Argument: Compose a short argument, in “argument elements” form. I’ll provide the arguable issue; you provide the rest. Make sure each of your premises is a complete sentence, and that your argument doesn’t break any of the rules listed in the first chapter of the Rulebook for Arguments:
Arguable Issue: The arguable issue is whether or not our feelings are a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
Conclusion: Feelings are not a reliable basis for ethical decision-making.
1)Feelings vary from person to person.
2) There are too many things that affect feelings, they aren't always consistent.
3) What people prefer to do is not always the ethical solution.
The ability to express yourself in your own words is essential in this class. Did you put everything in your own words this time?
Yes, I did put everything into my own words. I really tried to base my answers on what I had read, and not look back into the reading as I answered the questions.
What was easiest / hardest about this assignment?
The hardest part of the assignment was trying to evaluate weather religion and ethics are complementary. It took some thinking and I had to read that part of the chapter a few times to come up with my answer. The easiest part of the assignment was making a argument for majority view. Majority view is always around us in advertisement and if advertisement can tell us anything, it is that not everything is as good as it looks.
How will you apply what you learned through this assignment to your everyday life?
The main thing that I will apply will be a more accurate description for feeling. I always thought of feelings as just describing what kind of mood a person is in. Also, really taking a deeper look into the stance that my church takes on ethical issues and what kind of reasoning is used.
How well do you think you did on this assignment? Explain.
I think I did well on this assignment. I would say a 9 out of 10. I think I understood all of the questions being asked, and I tried to answer them as thoughtfully as I could.